As Author

Music Fundamentals, and Practical Music Theory

Parts 1 and 2.

After a decade and a half of experience teaching college music theory and realizing his unique ability to explain many concepts to inquiring students, Professor Ford has written his own series of five textbooks intended for the College Liberal Arts Music Theory curriculum. Each textbook is intended to cover one semester of Music Theory study. His collection is entitled “Practical Music Theory.”

Music Fundamentals is written as an introductory text for any high school student or college freshman who may wish to study serious music. (March 2021 News: This book will soon be available in Canada through the Long and McQuade Music Store chain!)

Other books in the series round out the first half of a liberal arts music major’s requirements:

Practical Music Theory Parts 1 and 2.

The material of each textbook is presented methodically in a logical format that addresses both basics and more advanced concepts. Many of the musical examples within this text were composed by Ford himself in an appropriate idiomatic style to illustrate precisely each point of the subject matter.

(Examples of Professor Ford’s actual teaching can be seen on his “Professor, Music Theory” page).

The series is published by and may be ordered directly from the publisher. Currently this series is being used at select locations in Michigan and Kentucky.